Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Does Ovulating Burn Why Does My Vagina Burn & Why Am I So Wet!?

Why does my vagina burn & why am i so wet!? - does ovulating burn


the last two days have been humid and hot day so badly! There were nights of sex today ... but wouldnt that hurt the next day .. not a few days later? could his wet cuz aroudn a bit of time, when ovulation, but I thought it was a week! Wow! not mn and not his own ad @ yeast infection, do not you say that ...

wat u think it might be?


Liz said...

Go to the DR, it sounds like an STD, in addition to have no sex until you have checked out.

Scarlett B said...

Hello, let me try to explain.
Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are usually infected by the disease.
There are several factors that contribute to fungal infections that can learn from women and some of them:
The imbalance in your system due to antibiotics and stress
The use of scarce materials, underwear or underwear that promotes sweating
Frequent showers
Hormone replacement therapy
Diabetes or blood sugar level rises.
If you feel intense itching, swelling and burning sensation in the affected area - this could be a yeast infection.
Prescription medicines can help cure yeast infection, but it is also a good pair of treatments for yeast infection naturally.
I have a really good source for the below ...
An important thing - what you do not - ignore them. If you do not ignore experience recurrent yeast infections because it can lead to chronic yeast infection.

Disaster said...

I think you've made a gurl STDs. Have Rubbia? Or any other kind of protection? This is a serious burn and how long it took for the fire? I want to speak your mother or your doctor, or both.

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